How far along? 30 weeks, 4 days.
Total Weight Gain: 24 lbs. Horrible. I was trying to keep it to 20 lbs for the whole pregnancy. I'm guessing now that it will be 35 lbs for the whole pregnancy by the time she's born. I'm not too disappointed, I mean, it will be more weight to lose after she's born, but I've only gained about 10 lbs in the last 3 months. I consider that to be pretty good because I look like I've doubled in size.
Belly button: It's getting more and more shallow, but it's still an innie.
Stretch marks: No new ones. I had some from when I gained like 20 lbs in a week my junior year of high school. They were barely noticeable before now, but they're starting to get a little darker. I'm also starting to get some around my boobs, which is SUPER lame. I'm putting cocoa butter and oil on like it's my job. But hopefully they'll disappear after the bebe is born.
Maternity clothes: Mostly wearing sweatpants and t-shirts when I'm at home, but definitely maternity jeans/pants and at least a longer shirt if not a maternity shirt when I'm at work or go out. Feet haven't really changed and I haven't noticed much swelling.
Gender: Still expecting a girl, and I hope the ultrasound was right because we have a lot of pink!
Movement: She moves ALL the time. Especially when I'm resting or relaxed. She's been getting the hiccups around once a day. But while I'm at work she's pretty still, or at least I don't notice her as much.
Symptoms: My ligaments are so loose! I feel like I'm getting more and more flexible!
I don't sleep well anymore. I wake up at least 3 times during the night, and even when I sleep it's not all that restful because of all the terrible dreams I have like birthing a litter of kittens.
I'm still having contractions on and off, but they don't really hurt. They are just very strange I think. Now that my belly and baby are both growing, the muscles under my ribs are always sore. Mostly on the right side.
Food aversions: Meat. But not hamburgers.
Food cravings: Pop :(, jalapeno burgers, anything anyone mentions. I want it all. I could probably eat a huge bowl of yogurt.
What I miss: Being able to sit down and stand up without making little grunting noises. Sleeping on my belly. Outdoor winter activities. Walking without worrying that I'm going to kill my baby because I fell. BEER.
What I am looking forward to: Getting a massage *hopefully*, moving to holland, getting this baby OUT! And meeting my sweet little girl for the first time.
Milestones: Being almost 31 weeks preggers! I can't wait until I'm full term and can stop worrying about her coming too early.
Names we're thinking recently: ROWAN (still being hopeful that Lee will come around), Bailey, Brenna, Violet, Eliza, Elsie, Sasha.
Kennedy. I'm telling you Kennedy is the cutest little girl name i've ever heard without being tooo cutsie like lee was talking about.
Besides, Kennedy Lee? That's just precious.
Bahaha! I'm trying to love other names. But it's hard.
Beer!!! hahaha. My best friend's daughter is named Rowan and we love it!!
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