Granola-belly. :)
How far along? 31 weeks, 1 day.
Total Weight Gain: 24 lbs. still. I hope.
Belly button: Still an innie.
Stretch marks: No new ones. Lee very nicely pointed some out yesterday, though. He used to tell me that I was crazy, that there were no stretch marks. He's seen them for himself. He believes me now.
Maternity clothes: My weekend has consisted of sweatpants and t-shirts. I feel best in my undies because my yoga pants are even starting to put pressure under the belly. This does not feel good.
Gender: GIRL!
Movement: She makes me think I'm having contractions sometimes, because the top of my belly gets really hard and uncomfortable, and my back hurts simultaneously. Found out that she's pushing off against the back and pushing her butt up against my belly. You can even feel her lil butt cheeks. I have to admit, it's a very weird sensation. Lee is freaked out. He asked that I not make him feel it again... for the 10th time last night. :)
Symptoms: I'm sleeping like crap!
I was supposed to be relaxing this weekend... i.e. not doing dishes, cooking or standing for long periods of time. Especially picking up heavy things... like my nephew. He's so cute though, I couldn't resist. I did all of those things. I had some painful contractions yesterday, but they were very random. I wasn't too worried. I just have this general blahh feeling. It kind of feels like being hungover... which isn't something I've felt in a while.
Food aversions: Meat. Dips. Cheese.
Food cravings: Yogurt. Pizza. Fruit. Cheesecake. BAD.
What I miss: Sleeping on my belly. Smoking... sadly. I know, I know it's horrible for me. And I'm so glad I quit when I found out that I was pregnant, and I have every intention of staying a quitter. But sometimes when I'm really stressed, I could use a cigarette. Or a beer. But I cannot have either.
What I am looking forward to: Moving to Holland, my last few weeks of being able to leave the house whenever I want without a bunch of baby crap or a sitter, my SORORITY BABY SHOWER this coming Sunday. GET EXCITED!!! Oh, and 3 other showers. :)
Milestones: Being 31 weeks. It hit me this week that I'm really going to have a baby at the end of this. I've kind of gotten used to being pregnant, and just assume that I will be unable to sit/stand/lay/breathe comfortably for the rest of life. But I won't! YAY for the birth! That WILL NOT happen for at least another 6 weeks! GOT IT, BABY!?
Names we're thinking recently: ROWAN for me. Lee has narrowed it down to Bailey (which makes me think of a dog and Bailey's liquor) and Violet. I'm trying. Just not getting there.
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