I'm going to go a bit deeper into this post than I'm sure was originally intended. I loved comic books/graphic novels as a kid. Loved. I had my favorites. But I've grown now. A little. Kind of. I don't want x-ray vision or super-fast speed anymore. I would absolutely love to settle for being out of debt, or being really speedy about folding all of my laundry. My goals have changed. What I want has changed.
So, on that note, I would have to say that my favorite super hero is my mom. Kim.
She raised 4 daughters (alone for the most part) with my Dad usually working 3 jobs to support us all so my Mom could stay at home. When my parents got divorced when I was 10, my Mom moved all four of us to a new house over an hour away. She found, painted, and decorated this house in a week, so we could move out in time to start school in the fall. She continued to be a single parent. An amazing single Mom. And let me tell you, none of us made it easy on her. She was often stressed, but made it hard to tell. A little over a year ago, she picked up a second job, and often works from 8 am to 11 pm. And usually either Saturday or Sunday. Sometimes both. She went to the doctor this October (For the first time in about 10 years) with a suspected lump, and found out that she has stage 3 breast cancer. She had a right-side mastectomy two weeks before Christmas, and had her remaining 19 lymph nodes removed this past Tuesday. She starts chemotherapy in about 2 weeks, and will have 3-4 treatments which will go on through May. She will lose her hair. And she still plans on working both of her jobs. We're going to the wig shop this week to find her a pretty one.
So, you may have been expecting something a bit funnier and more upbeat. Sorry to disappoint. My mom is pretty great, and if I can be half as strong and half the mother that she is, I'll consider myself pretty darn successful.
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Clara and I would LOVE to hear what you think. :)