To my beautiful Clara Leanne-
You are sunshine and happiness. Silly and sweet. You smile over 1000 times a day. You're cute. Bashful. Whenever someone makes you smile, you bury your face in my shoulder. It's the best. You have a Daddy who adores you, and a Mama who is so proud of you. Multiple Grandparents who love you very much. You're my beautiful baby girl.
You wake me up in the morning with the sweetest coos. You stand on your own, and finally learned to roll both ways.
You love carrots and peas and bananas the best. You wanna hold the spoon all by yourself like a big girl. You can hold the bottle all by yourself, and get it back into your mouth if you drop it. You get distracted by your feet. You look so cute in headbands.
You have your Daddy's hair, nose, and toes. You have your Mommy's eyes, smile, lips, and ears. You love Grandma kisses and Grandpa tickles. You bob your feet just like Grandma Vickie.
You cuddle with your bear blanket at night, hugging it close as you watch your mobile spin.
You get your leg stuck in the crib slats and cry, scaring the crap out of me at 4 a.m. You chew on everything, and you're getting pro at handling your rice rusks.
You're everything I've ever wanted. You're beautiful, smart, curious, delightful, happy, adventurous, and the best baby I've ever known. You're my favorite. My reason for getting up every day. My shining star. My snuggle buddy. You can turn around the worst day with one smile.
I will always be there for you. I will pick you up when you fall. I will hug you when you're having a bad day. I will listen if you want me to listen, and give you advice if you need it. I will read to you at every bedtime, help you with your homework, and end each and every day telling you how much I love you.
Happy 6 months old, baby girl. I am so thankful to be your Mama.
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