Hello! I'm Jordan Marie. I have a little blog called holding on to the little things. I am a first time mother to Scarlett-Marie Sue, or Letti for short. She was born St. Patricks Day 2011. She is my world, and I love spoiling her. She is my light, and I can't imagine my world without her. I love blogging about our everyday life, but I also blog about other fun topics. I breast feed and cloth diaper, and love making new friends! I also love helping out my friends.
Here is a little post about traveling with my little one..
This previous weekend the Daddy and the Mommy (so cool to be a Mommy, Lol) decided they wanted to hang out with their friends in another town a few hours away..
Two or three times a week we visit the grandparents. It is usually just Scarlett and I, because Daddy has to work, but this kind of travel is rather easy. We both have our own bedrooms when we stay there, and Letti's room is fully equipped with her very own crib. I have a bedroom with a couple dresser drawers for the two of us, a nice comfy bed, and an adjoined bathroom. There is a laundry room, a convenient changing station, and a Grammy to help handle the cloth diapering, which can get quite messy at times. It is quite a nice setup.
But this weekend we visited friends. Friends that don't have babies, or any of the conveniences we have grown accustom to. So it was our first real time to travel with a baby while cloth diapering. We've traveled with Scarlett to Kansas before, but we were still using disposables.
I started off with my regular packing: a cute bag full of toys and books for the car, a blanket, cute burp rag, sippy cup, and fully stocked diaper bag. Our diaper bag houses an extra set of clothes, a pair of socks, some blankets, a nursing cover, burp rags, medicine, diaper ointment, diapers, high chair toys, two wet bags, mini trash bags, clorox wipes, lysol spray, diaper changing pad, baby sling, baby sunblock, baby wipes, first aid kit and lots of other little "just in case" things.
We try to clean all of her cloth diapers and pack those separately in a floral duffle type bag. Then Scarlett has her very own pretty green designed duffle type bag with all of her clothes and sleeping gear inside.
Eventually we would like to travel with a playpen, but haven't made the purchase yet. When that day comes, we might need a larger vehicle, because we also bring a full-size stroller along for our adventures. But for now, she just sleeps between Allen and I, or safely placed between barriers, so she can't roll off.
I just recently purchased a large and pretty hamper type bag with a draw string, for all of our dirty clothes. While out, all soiled diapers make their way into some type of waterproof bag, and then thrown in the laundry hamper bag.
I breastfeed, so that takes care of feeding supplies and such, but sometimes we bring the manual hand pump and all those little accessories with a bottle. I normally keep all that stuff in a organic string type produce bag. It is something along the lines of hemp or cotton. I like how it is see-thru and "go-green" looking.
Luckily we were only out of town for two nights, but if it were a week, we would have had to find a laundry mat and brought detergent and a drying rack along.
Our awesome Kalencom diaper bag. The company is based in New Orleans, and I love to support that city because of the hurricane.
Diaper sanitizer on the inside and outside, name tag from Urban Outfitters, and emergency trash bags on the outside.
Lovey, burp rag, diapers, toys, lotion, socks, wipes, deck of playing cards, tampons, shoes, toys, and lots of other odds and ends.
Toys, sling, changing pad, more toys, wet bag, and walking shoes!
Sleep sheep is essential.. Toys..
Pretty bag for all her toys and books.
Books and more toys.
That cotton back with pumping gear and snack food for mommy and random finger nail clippers.
When Scarlett gets hungry, we have two solutions while on the road. One, I can pump and let her feed from the bottle, or we can pull over and feed her at a rest stop, restaurant or gas station parking lot if it doesn't coincide with us eating or something of that nature. But I have been known to throw my boob over the car seat in real emergencies.
The first trip we made, was to Kansas, and Letti slept most of the way. But now we have to keep her pretty well entertained and time a nap to fall while she is in the car. In general, I think she is fairly easy to travel with.
Jordan's blog is fantastic! I'm a follower, and you should be, too! Scarlett is only a few weeks older than Clara, so it's fun to see another little girl Clara's age developing. And, it's nice to compare notes with Jordan. Head on over and vote for Holding on to the Little Things and vote for them on TopBabyBlogs,com! Thanks for reading!
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