This was a busy week. Being week 1, and just starting this weekly post, I had to remind myself to take pictures. If I take pictures of Clara, It's with the Nikon. I rarely take pictures of our daily life, just of cute things she does. But I did my best. :)

Monday. Clara hung out in her pajamas in her bouncy seat and watched Baby Einstein first thing in the morning. I pureed bananas and froze cubes for Clara's breakfast. Every. Day. She loves them. I fed her FRESH bananas and cereal after finishing.
We headed to the hospital because my NEW nephew and Clara's cousin, Levi Jack arrived. Such a sweet little bundle of awesome! He weighed in at 7 lbs. 11 oz. Almost a full pound bigger than Clara when she was born. But he was so tiny! I don't believe Clara was ever that small. Crazy. We finally got home around 11 p.m. Clara had slept a bit, so she stayed up with me for awhile. Good day. :)

Tuesday. In the morning, we went to MOPS. Late. Because Clara decided to stay up and party all night. I was inspired by the organization talk, so I spent most of the day doing that and NOT taking pictures. Lame.
On the way home, we stopped at my Aunt Robin's office and had lunch with her and my cousin, Kristin. We took a walk and went to visit my Mom at work. Clara kept her hood pulled down, grasping either side. It was her first time in the stroller without the car seat. Clara had a bath, she loves her rubber duckies. Doesn't she just melt your heart? (Sorry that my cell phone takes such crappy pictures in low light... the flash will blind you, so I don't use it.)

Wednesday. We got up early to take my mom to her doctor's appointment, then we went shopping. Clara shopped till she dropped, and passed out in the stroller, with her new stuffed giraffe, Sophie. Clara is getting better at holding a bottle on her own. She loves her Taggies dolly.
Later, I made sun-dried tomato Alfredo with chicken, and took some mexican pasta to my mom at work. (Sorry for the blurry picture. It was the best one out of the bunch.) Then Clara played in her exersaucer with Sophie before bed.

Thursday. An adorable little chicken first thing in the morning (with sophie, of course).
Friday. A silly mama realizing (when it was almost Saturday) that she forgot to take cell phone pics for 2 days.
Sorry for the epic fail, guys. I promise to be a more diligent picture-taker next week.
Also, PLEASE PLEASE vote for us! Click the button! DO IT! PLEASE?! The more times you click the button, the more people find out about From Bean 2 Baby. PLUS, I'll upload some pictures of my little bean who CAN STAND ON HER OWN AT ALMOST 6 MONTHS OLD! (Holding on to something, of course.) DO IT. kthanksbye. :)
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