Hello!!! I'm Sonya from the blog {shutter}mama! I'm totally thrilled to be guest blogging on "From Bean 2 Baby". I couldn't be more thrilled for this exciting opportunity. Laura and Clara have graced the screen of my computer the past couple of weeks...and I couldn't be more honored! So thank you :]
I live in San Jose, Costa Rica. Life is pretty much the same for us here besides some minimal differences. We live in the capitol of Costa Rica and as pretty as this country is, the capitol doesn't hint much of that beauty! Haha! Our week is pretty mellow. It consists of getting up around 7:30 am {we're late sleepers!!} and we get my 2 year old ready for school! Yup, she goes to school. School here for her starts at 8 and ends at noon. It's very typical for little ones to go to school here. It's like preschool but they speak to her in English and Spanish and she has homework. During the time that Maia's at school, I work out. I LOVE working out. It's a new found obsession in the past year and endorphin high's are the best :] After getting Maia from school, we eat lunch and then Maia will take a nap. Jose {the lover and father} is finishing his college education so he's usually at school 3-4 days of the week. We have a pretty laid back day after nap time. Just lots of playing and dancing. WE LOVE DANCING. There's not a dull moment around here when the music is on! We live very much like you guys but just some minor changes!!!

1. What do you love most about being a Mom to Maia?
I love having a little girl. There's nothing greater than having a nail polish/make-up pal! Maia is incredible. I love her caring heart for all animals. I love that she dances like a true Latina - movin those hips and all. I love waking up to her rubbing my back...what can I say??? She's redefined living for me. She's redefined "joy".

2. Is there anything you miss about your life before baby?
Naturally as mother's, we miss our old freedoms...um but lately I've come to realize that when I get my little moments of freedom, I'm obsessed with how Maia's doing and if she's okay. I do truly miss my old tummy tho hahaaha. The stretch mark - free and flat tummy! Hahahaha. But that's just natural!

3. What stage of Maia's has been your favorite thus far?
Oh tough one!!! There's two favorite stages! The first was when she hit about 4-5 months. And she had discovered her voice - and her little personality started to shine. The second is the one that we're currently in (18mon - 2 yrs). She has picked up SOOOO much. And just seeing what she learns day to day is INCREDIBLE. I'm absolutely astonished to say the least. It's insane to me how someone so little can fully understand and speak in 2 languages. I'm just blown away.

4. What is the most surprising thing about being a mom?
How much your views change. I think that as a young adult we make a lot of very "loose" decisions. We decide in a moments notice without really taking the future in to view or anyone else for that matter. But when you become a mom...your decisions START and END with - "Does this benefit my family?" or "Is this safe for Little One?" .... it's crazy. Every single decision that we've made since having Maia is no longer a 10 second choice...we talk, plan, talk some more...pray hahah. And it's crazy, cuz I'm a very spontaneous person.

5. What advice would you give new, or soon-to-be mom's?
Put down the cell phone - shut the computer and get on the floor with your kiddo. You'll never EVER regret that decision. ANNNNND take lots of pictures!

6. What are your top three baby products?
First Years Jet Stroller - http://www.amazon.com/First-Years-Stroller-City-Chic/dp/B002WB2G9I/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1309926685&sr=8-3
This stroller is small like an umbrella stroller BUT it holds up to 50 lbs...so we'll be able to use it for the next 3 years for trips through airports and Disney World and what not. It's also got a high back and it's taller than the average stroller. WE LOVE IT. I'm sad I didn't make this purchase sooner! It's just really nice to have. And only 11 lbs! Woooo!!!
Medela Breast Pump
I breast fed up till 9/10 months...This thing was our lifesaver from the very first days to the very last! I wouldn't recommend anything else!
Ocean Wonders™ Soothe & Glow Seahorse™ by Fisher Price
This damn seahorse saved our lives on multiple occasions. She loved it. If it didn't run out of batteries {I forgot to put new ones in multiple times} we'd still be using it! :]
Her baby girl is adorable, her writing flows, and her photography skills are amazing! Who wouldn't follow Sonya and her family on {Shutter}Mama? Thank you so much to Sonya for this little peek inside her life with adorable little Maia. A vote on TopBabyBlogs.com wouldn't hurt for either of us. :) Stay tuned this week for a GIVEAWAY, and be sure to follow {Shutter}Mama!
Thanks for the guest post!!! I'll link up to it tomorrow when I write a birthday post!! I'm so blessed to be on your site. your daughter is ADORABLE!!! Thank you for the opportunity!! I also sent a vote for you on TBB :]
Thanks, Sonya. It's exactly what I was looking for. Happy birthday to Maia! I hope you guys have a wonderful bday party! I can't wait to see pictures. :)
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Clara and I would LOVE to hear what you think. :)