I stumble. It's my night-cap after Clara goes to bed and I need to unwind after a day of being a mommy. These are things I find interesting. I thought you might find them interesting as well. :) Happy reading.
-Not enough tummy time?
I'm worried about this with Clara. Everything I've read has made me fearful of putting Clara on her tummy. Even when supervised. I fear that right under my nose, she will bury her face in her blanket and suffocate. Morbid, I know.
Clara used to know how to roll over, front to back, that is. Now, she has no idea. We didn't do enough tummy time. We're working on that, and re-learning to roll over, both from front to back and also from back to front.
I know that every child develops differently. I'm just concerned that she's doing the same things as when she was 3 months old. Granted, it's with more control and accuracy. And she's stronger. But I'm concerned that she's not even trying to roll over. It's something that I will discuss with her doctor at her 6 month appointment He will tell me that I'm being silly and she's right on track. I just want to hear him say it.
-Parenting Pet Peeves
I agree! Especially with the first one. I can't tell you how many people have done this.
"Mommy, I'm so tired. Mommy didn't let me have a nap."
I most certainly did. You think I would give up her nap time? (AKA my FREE time?) Hell, no. She looks tired because she just woke up. Jackass.
-Beat childhood obesity!
Does anyone else think this is perfect? It's like weight watchers for kids. In fact, it's exactly weight watchers for kids.
fruits and veggies= 0 points
carbs= more points
desserts/sugar= WAY more points
Wonderful system. Although I can see kids cashing in on the sweets. Just make sure the points/dollars don't rollover to the next day.
-What I wish I got paid
Wouldn't it be nice to make money being a stay-at-home mom? Tell your husband.
-Teen Mom star Farrah leaves Sophia behind
Okay, I understand. You probably don't care. You think Teen Mom is stupid... etc. But I watch the show. I came across this article and it was just crazy to me. I know people have done way worse things than leave their child with their parents, but I could NEVER leave Clara while moving to another state. To each her own, I guess.
What do you think? Would you like this to become a weekly post? Give me some feedback! Also, if you come across something you find interesting, please share it!
I wouldn't get to worked up about Clara not rolling over and such. Every kid is different. My oldest rolled over at 3 months, teeth at 6 months, crawled at 8 months and walked at 12 months. My second didn't roll over until close to 5 months, crawled at 10 months and got teeth at 15 months and walked at 16 months.
Thanks, Mallorie. :)
1. Clara is perfect and will grow and learn in her own time. Look at Ethan, he is extremely smart but at 3 1/2 years old, I still can't get him to potty train.
5. As we both know that I watch every teen mom episode. I think Sophia is better off with Farrah's parents and as she said, they have her most of the time anyway. At least she isn't like one of the couples that was in "Sixteen and Pregnant" who are now being charged with child abuse. The house was covered in feces, magots, and flies. Ewwww!
I love Teen Mom it is my absolute guilty pleasure. I heard about that with Farrah can't believe it. How could she as a mother want to leave her child...I just don't get it
Yeah, I'm with you on that one!
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