2. Is 40 Weeks the Ideal Maternity Leave?: How cool would that be? Ten months of maternity leave? Yes please. I was so lucky to be able to stay home with Clara for as long as I did. I definitely wouldn't have been ready to leave her after only three months. I was still recovering from my c-section at the time.
3. Three Sets of Twins Born in Different Years: So rare. I wonder how it will affect their years in school.
4. 25 Best Mom Confessions of 2011: I don't know if I would say that they're the "best" confessions, but they are definitely funny. I have some better ones. Hmm... that gives me an idea for a weekly post.
5. If Bill Passes, Nursing Mothers in Michigan Will be Excused from Jury Duty: I've never had to do jury duty, but the possibility of this bill being passed is fantastic. I just don't understand why this isn't already in place. You can't expect a mother to leave her infant like that. "If a nursing woman is picked as a juror or alternate, she must take a pump and possibly a cooler, said moms who talked to the Free Press. Every few hours, she would have to stop court proceedings to express milk." Completely agree.
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Clara and I would LOVE to hear what you think. :)