I'm substitute teaching almost every day. It's nice to be working and have some time without the bean. I feel bad even saying that. But after 7 months of being home with Clara all day, it's a nice change. I feel like an actual adult. I get to talk to other adults. Clara has been going to day care regularly, and I think it's good for her to be around other kids.
On the other hand, I'm really feeling like a single parent. If I'm not at work, I'm taking care of Clara. It's all on me. Not that it wasn't before. It's just... different now. I rarely have "me-time". If I'm not with Clara, I feel guilty. And when I am, I feel like I need some breathing room. It would be nice to read a book, work on the blog more regularly... etc. I've been feeling lonely. There's no one to come home to. To share my feelings with. To discuss parenting. It can be isolating.
Anyways, enough feeling sorry for myself.
Clara has been busy, too! She's sitting up like a pro. She recently got two top teeth in, and she WILL NOT stop grinding them. I know she'll grow out of it soon. It's just new and fun, but it sounds like nails on a chalkboard. Today, she's picking up food with her thumb and finger. Sounds like a little thing, but it shows me that she's developing. She's learning and growing. It's bittersweet. I miss the teeny tiny baby who would cuddle on my chest. But it's also so cool to see her learn new things. Things that happen as a person grows, and also things that I'm teaching her.
I'm super excited because I've had several people ask me to make things for them! Mostly, the hats I've been working on. I actually have two different stores asking to make things for them to sell. I feel valued and important! Definitely a change. I've been working on them while Clara is napping, and I can almost finish a whole hat before she wakes up!
Please contact me if you're interested in buying a hat. I would love to hear from you! If you would like to win one, don't forget to enter the giveaway! But hurry, there are only 5 days left!
Sorry for the blurry crappy cell phone pictures, but I had to share my adorable kid. :)
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Never feel guilty for wanting time away from Clara. Without my alone time, I would resent my boys and no one would be happy. It's healthy to have time away and it's good for her so she isn't completely dependent on you. She can come play with Aunt Addie some time if you want to sit and read a book or just do nothing! I don't know if I'll ever get a little girl of my own. :)
I just voted for you.. and gosh super gorgeous baby!
Hope you're doing well!!
super adorable and I love your baby's smile. So cute....!
LOVE that slouchy hat on her! so freaking cute!!!
i'm so glad that you're feeling good about working, and that you're feeling valued and appreciated for your crocheting (right, it's crochet?). You're so awesome. I knew this, and I'm glad others are getting to know it too :)
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Clara and I would LOVE to hear what you think. :)