Well, almost 35 weeks. But I finally took a pretty legit belly picture today. Better than past ones, especially since I didn't post one at all last week. :) If you can't tell, the bean has DROPPED!
How far along? 34 weeks, 5 days.
Total Weight Gain: No idea. I refuse to check anymore.
Belly button: Innie. I STILL don't think it's gonna pop...
Stretch marks: No more than last week. I have a crazy, hopeful theory that some of them are starting to fade, thanks to my very strict, very intense skin care routine.
Maternity clothes: I've given up on being comfortable. Even my sweatpants don't fit correctly anymore. :(
Gender: GIRL.
Movement: Hiccups at least 3 or 4 times a day. She's like a little alien that morphs my tummy. It's very strange to see. It's kind of like watching a snake digest it's meal. HA.
Symptoms: PAIN. And lots of it. Back pain. ligament pain. rib pain. belly pain. breathing pain. sitting, standing, and laying pain. No position is comfortable for more than 5 minutes, but it's too much of an effort to move... so I just stay in continued discomfort. It's pretty sad, actually.
Food aversions: Anything I have to actually make.
Food cravings: Not eating! Yeah! I know! My appetite has gone down sufficiently, and I've barely had any cravings. SO WEIRD. I've heard that means baby is on her way. I have been drinking a lot of fluids... and eating lots of fruit. And I guess I want salad. Sometimes sweet things. But not too bad.
What I miss: Doing anything without my back hurting. About 4-6 times a day, I am unable to put weight on my right leg. I limp. It hurts too much.
What I am looking forward to: Moving in with BD. Finally have a date: 2 weeks from today. It seems so long. Especially since we've been on a housing hunt for 5 MONTHS now. I'm just tired of commuting. I want this over now.
I have TWO baby showers this weekend! Yes, more. Ridiculous, I know. What can I say, this little baby is loved. :) Dad's side on Saturday, Mom's side on Sunday. AND I get to see my birth mama and her husband for the FIRST TIME since coming home from Hawaii! Yay!
Milestones: I finally called my first OB and told her that I won't be coming to her anymore. I LOVE my new OB in Holland. I have an appointment on Monday, and one every week after that until the bean is born! Yay!
Names we're thinking recently: Unsure. I'm still thinking Rowan, of course. BD has moved on to Zoey. Zoey Eliza to be exact. I'm trying to like it (I am the one who suggested Zoey in the first place) but I don't love it. It's nice for other people's kids... just not mine. :) Feel free to give any suggestions!
Oh! And if you enjoyed my belly pic, this post, or my blog in general, PLEASE vote for me! kthanks! :)
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