First impression: These diapers are awesome!
"The Sunbaby One Size Diapers are one of the most adjustable one size cloth diapers on the market! Adjust the diapers to fit babies 7-35 pounds and get a snug fit every time with the snap -adjusted in waist and leg.
Strong absorbent material with breathability keeps the skin dry and helps to prevent diaper rash. Our product absorbs urine fast and reduces the chances of developing bacteria from sleeping in a moist diaper." -SBD
Direct from Sun pei- the maker of Sunbaby Diapers:
"Hi, I am Sun pei, a wife and a mother of a 28 month old boy. I am 28, born and brought up in Shanghai, which is the richest and most modern city in China. I knew nothing about pocket cloth diapers 2 years ago. I accidentally found out about it when I was buying baby products for my son who was about 5 months old at that time. My husband and I researched and found out more about modern day cloth diapers and thought it would win a large market in the future. So we began our business of cloth diapers and Sunbaby Diapers were born."
The rundown:
-Sunbaby diapers fit babies from 7-35 lbs.
-They are pocket diapers with an outer PUL waterproof fabric and snap closures.
-They are all one-size diapers that fit from birth to potty training, but they come in two sizes.
-Size 1 is for babies on the skinnier side, and size 2 is for chunkier babes.
-The microfleece that makes up the lining is super soft and keeps baby dry.
My thoughts:
The cost of these diapers is unbeatable! They cost about $6 each and include an insert. I bought 24 diapers with 24 inserts for $108!!!! Wanna know something even more awesome!? NO SHIPPING COST!!! FROM CHINA!!!
You might possibly be able to beat the price (you'd have to try pretty hard or get them second hand) but you can't get better quality for the price. I didn't think that cloth diapers would be a possibility for me, but at these prices, how can you afford to do anything else?
The outer layer is made of PUL which is waterproof and breathable. It is soft and durable. Much better against baby's skin than disposables, that's for sure. |
The Soft Micro Fleece inner layer pulls away moisture, keeping baby dry, comfortable and rash free. |
I received a diaper from Sun pei a couple of months ago to review on the blog, and I fell in love! I immediately ordered 24 diapers with 24 inserts. Clara is on the skinnier side, but I went ahead and ordered 12 size ones and 12 size twos so that I could pick the patterns I like. Sun pei is currently running a special deal that when you buy six diapers/inserts, she gives you two bamboo inserts and four microfiber inserts. With my order, I got 16 microfiber inserts, and 8 bamboo inserts.
The microfiber inserts are fantastic. They absorb a ton, they dry fast in the dryer, and they're super soft. The only thing I would change is the thickness. I can barely fit Clara's jeans over that little diapered butt, so it looks like it's time for some new pants!
The bamboo inserts seem good. They're thin. But that's all I know so far. After doing some research and asking around, I was told not to use them alone. Apparently, they hold as much as the thicker, microfiber inserts, but they're slow to wick which could cause leaks. I've tried them a few times on their own, and they work fairly well. I'll have to see how they do after a few more days.
You can use disposable baby wipes, but I figure that since I'm washing the diapers anyways, I might as well use reusable wipes.
I received a ridiculous amount of baby washcloths at my baby shower, so it just made sense. I did my research and found a bunch of "recipes" for cloth baby wipes. Most involve water, oil (baby oil or olive oil), and baby wash (and sometimes essential oils and such). I didn't want the oil to build up in my diapers, so I chose lotion instead.
My solution:
1 cup warm water
1-2 drops baby lotion
1-2 drops baby wash
If you add the lotion and wash after the water, there won't be bubbles. Mix and pour over the washcloths.
Every morning and afternoon I replace the solution and washcloths, otherwise they smell musty.
Ready for my care instructions?
I did DAYS of research to prepare for getting Sunbaby diapers. I didn't want to ruin them. I read tons and tons of websites and articles, in preparation. All the information was all over the place, so I decided to compile a care guide. Here are some things I learned:
-NEVER, EVER use softener, bleach, or dryer sheets. I repeat, NEVER!
-Don't dry your diapers in the dryer. (except for the first initial washing..) Line dry whenever possible. If you must use the dryer, dry on low heat. Inserts are fine to put in the dryer.
-From other cloth diapering mama's experiences, I've learned that the dry pail method is best.
Prep Washing:
I washed the diapers and microfiber inserts in hot water doing a pre-wash, a normal wash cycle, and a hot rinse THREE TIMES. I only used (a very small amount of) detergent in the first washing, not the other two. You want to strip the oils from diapers and inserts so that they absorb really well. You don't want the diapers to build up a detergent residue or they won't absorb moisture very well. It will bead up and your diaper will leak. I used a small amount (and I mean small, like a drop or two) of dish soap in the second wash to further strip the oils. With the third wash, I didn't use anything.
For the bamboo inserts, I boiled them in water for 5 minutes, then washed on hot with a small amount of detergent twice.
I dried the diapers and both types of liners on HOT for 20 minutes. If you wash the diapers on hot ONLY WITH THE INITIAL PREP, I've heard it helps seal the PUL fabric around the seams and prevents leaking. I then pulled the diapers out and hung them to dry the rest of the way (even though they were pretty much done) and continued drying the liners for about another 30 minutes on high.
I bought 24 diapers and inserts. That is enough to go 2 (maybe 3) days between washing. I wash daily (for the moment). I go 2-3 hours before changing Clara's diaper. If she's napping, down for the night, or if we're out and about, I slip one of the bamboo inserts under the microfiber insert for extra absorbancy.
With a wet diaper, I pull the liner out of the diaper, and put both in the dry diaper pail and add some baking soda to contain the smell. That's it.
With a dirty diaper, I swish the washcloths in the toilet to remove the solids. I shake the solids on the diaper into the toilet, pull the liner out, and put washcloths, diaper, and liner in the diaper pail with baking soda. If the solids aren't really... umm... solid? I use a popsicle stick (I have a cup of them sitting on the toilet) to scrape the *ahem* solids off and toss the stick in the trash. Some days, I could care less about the poop. Other days, I'm weird about it.
After Clara goes to bed for the night, I start the washing process. I put the diapers, liners and washcloths in the washer with a 1/4-1/2 cup of baking soda (depending on how dirty they are) and set it on the pre-wash cycle on COLD water. If you wash initially on hot, the poo will be stained in the diapers and liners.
When the pre-wash is done, I start the regular wash cycle with a hot wash/cold rinse, and add a small amount of detergent. I'm talking like a 1/4 of the cap. You don't need much to do the job.
To finish up, I do a warm rinse with a 1/2 cup of distilled white vinegar. This helps to cut the ammonia odor of the pee, and keep the diapers looking and smelling fresh.
When the rinse is done, I go ahead and do an additional 2 spin cycles to cut down on drying time.
And that's it! It might sound like a lot, but I wanted to have all of the detailed information all in one place, since it took me so many articles, blogs, and comments to get to a routine that works for me. Keep in mind that this routine works for me, my schedule, and my diaper. The same routine may not work for you. It's a bit of a trial and error process (and I'm sure I'll change mine over time), so just stick with it!
Wanna buy some?
You can buy these diapers in many different
patterns and package combinations
(staring at $4.00 a diaper)
(If you're concerned about these diapers being made in China? Go to the info page)
Questions? PLEASE please please ask me! Someone else is probably thinking the same thing you are, so help 'em out! Email me @ frombean2baby@gmail[dot]com!!
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I was not compensated for this review. The thoughts, opinions, and diaper advice is my own. Others' opinions may differ.